Sunday, February 9, 2014

Getting My Butt Kicked Like I Can't Remember

This past Wednesday 2/5 I had my first day as an intern at CrossFit DoneRight in Rockville, MD. I met the other intern and some coaches and everyone was really nice and I became even more excited about this than I was before. The people are really nice and I like it.

For myself and the other intern, they are first putting us through the 6 intro sessions required by all new members to go through except they are packing them into 3 sessions. That first session, te learned technique and also how to see movement faults in the plank, push up, ring row, hollow body, hollow rock, sit up, air squat, front squat, press, push press, and deadlift (I think that was everything). We then did a quick WOD of tabata squats and sit ups. For those who don't know what "tabata" is, it is 8 rounds of :20 on 10: rest of the same movement. It looks easy enough but it absolutely crushes you if you really go all out. My quads were absolutely trashed after the air squats and since we went right into shadowing a class we didn't really have time to cool down. Since my quads were trashed so much, the next day of 5x5 back squats at 165# (70% + 5#) welt like max lifts each time, it was terrible.

We then met again Friday. I came in earlier than the other intern to shadow a class. It was kind of funny, the coach who was leading the class didn't introduce me so during the warm up, one of the athletes asked him who I was, why I was watching them and if I was lost. I was then introduced and all went well. After the class I did a quick deadlift session of 3x5 @ 195# (70% + 5#) plus a set of 15 at 135#. After that we then almost immediately went into the next intro sessions with the other intern. We went over double unders, went over the deadlift again where the other intern and I critiqued each other. I actually realized some issues I was having that were probably holding me back, especially when doing multiple reps. We then worked on pull ups, did more push ups, went over the overhead squat, handstands, burpees and wallballs. We then did another conditioning workout of a 7 min AMRAP (as many reps/rounds as possible) of 7 wall balls and 7 burpees. I was able to get 7 rounds and 2 wall balls. For me the strategy was to just keep moving and I think I did ok. My legs weren't as crushed as after Wednesday but that was a lot of squatting to do over the past few days and I'm glad I was able to have the weekend as a break for my legs.

These 2 conditioning workouts definitely showed me how much I have been favoring strength recently, but I still feel that I need to get much stronger to be more successful in CrossFit so I am going to stick it out.

To a better day, week, month, year, and most importantly, to a better life.

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